Convert a literal of one data type to another data type.


  • Implicit: Automatically converts object of one type into other.
  • Explicit: Python's built-in functions int(), float() and str() to perform the explicit conversions such as string to integer.

Python doesn't allow automatic type conversion between unrelated data types.

  • A string cannot be converted to any number type. However, an integer can be cast into a float.
  • String and tuples can be converted into a list using list()
  • String and list can be converted to tuples using tuple()
import os
print('Hello '+os.getlogin() + '! Executing python script')
# Implicit type casting
Int_value = 10
Boolean_value = True
# Note that True is equal to 1, and False is equal to 0.
print("Implicit type casting - sum of: ",Int_value," & ",Boolean_value,": ",Int_value+Boolean_value)
#  Python built-in int() function converts an integer literal to an integer object, a float to integer, and a string to integer if the string itself has a valid integer literal representation.
print("----------------Int() function----------------------")